1955-1957 Academic Catalog

Cedarville College e. Soc. Science f. Language g. Laboratory Science h. General Psychology and Philosophy i . General Mathematics j . Fine Arts k. Physical Education 1. Orientation 6 hours 12 hours Bible majors must elect Greek. All other majors may take a modern foreign language. 8 hours 6 hours 3 hours 2 hours 4 hours (Activity courses) 1 hour Major Study At least 24 semester hours in one department, (not less than 12 hours in upper division courses, with no grade less than C.) Minor Study-At least 15 semester hours in one department CLASS ATTENDANCE Regular attendance in classes and chapel is necessary for the student to receive the full benefit of his college experience. The Student Co11ncil and administration have set the following regulations to govern attendance. In general, students are permitted to be absent from a class without excuse the number of times that the class meets each week. For example, a student may be absent from a three– hours course three times. However, each absence from a class on the day before or after a school holiday or vacation is counted as two absences. Being tardy for class three times constitutes one absence. No cuts are allowed from chapel unless excused. A student who is unable to attend classes because of illness is excused upon presentation of a written statement from the school nurse. Students who find it necessary to be absent be– cause of emergencies at home should notify the Dean of Students in order to be excused. Students who are absent from class without excuse in excess of the per1nitted absences are subject to a system of 32 • •