1955-1957 Academic Catalog

Departments and Courses velopments of the English people. Three hours credit each .semester. 347, 348 HISTORY OF RUSSIA This course is designed to acquaint the student with major developments in ancient, modern and contemporary Russia. After a brief survey of Russian history to the time of P eter the Great particular attention is paid to the Russian background of communist ideas, organization, and practices. Three hours credit each semester. Offered on sufficient demand. 351, 352 HISTORY OF LATIN AMERICA Historical survey of the Latin American Republics: dis– coveries, conquests, settlements, resources and geography. Special attention is given to a study of their political, religious, social and cultural development as well as their relations with the United States and other nations of the world. Three hours c redit each semester. Offered on sufficient demand. 411, 412 SOCIAL AND CULTURAL HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES After a brief survey of colonial society, emphasis is placed upon the family, religion, class structure, rural and urban de– velopment, reform movements, the arts, science and education. Three hours credit each semester. Offered on sufficient demand. 421, 422 HISTORY OF THE SOUTH An intensified study of the South from 1820 to the present. Special attention is focused on the problem of slave1·y, sec– tional controversy, southern nationality, the civil war, recon– struction, restoration of home rule, general cultural and eco– nomic development. Three hours credits each semester. Offered on sufficient demand. EMINAR A study of sources, materials, and methods of historical earch. Each student will prepa1·e a fonnal monograph (re– .quired of all History majors) Three hours credit. 57