1955-1957 Academic Catalog
Departments and Courses 303 CHRISTIAN Kl'IIICS The practical study of New Testament passages which emphasize the Christian's life and conduct and the relation– ship of the Christian to the world in their dealings. Two hours credit. Offered in alternate years. 410 PHU,OSOPHY OF REI,IGION The origin, development and nature of religion; the growth and 11nderstanding of religious beliefs. Three hours credit. Offered upon sufficient demand. DEPARTMENT OF PHYSICAL EDUCATION The department of physical education offers a teaching field in physical education (24 hours). All of the courses listed in the department are required in order to qualify for a teaching field in physical educat ion . SERVICE COURSES (Required for A.B. degree) 101-102 PHYSICAL EDUCATION Activity course required of all freshmen men . One hour credit per semester . 103-104 PHYSICAL EDUCATION Activity course r equired of all freshmen women. One hour credit per semester . 201-202 PHYSICAL EDUCATION Activity course required of all sophomore men. One hour credit per semester. 203-204 PHYSICAi, EDUCATION Activity course required of all sophomore women. One hour credit per semester. (These courses will be offered alternating years, and are o designed that a student following a 4-year liberal arts 63
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