1955-1957 Academic Catalog
• , Departments a.nd Courses 312 COACHING MAJOR SPORTS A study of modern methods of coaching football, basket– ball, baseball, track, and tennis, with actual instruction and participation in either varsity, junior varsity, or intramural programs. Four hours credit. 411 METHODS AND MATERIALS FOR TEACHING HEALTH AND PHYSICAL EDUCATION Th.is course is designed for the study of methods and ma– terials used in teaching health and physical education at grades 7 through 12. Such problems as planning, practical aids in teaching, special techniques, and typical class activities will be considered. Attention will be given to methods of securing the cooperation of parents and outside agencies in the pro– motion of the school health and physical education program. Three hours credit. 412 ORGANIZATION AND ADMINISTRATION OF PHYSICAL EDUCATION The study of the procedures upon which the t eaching situation depends. It con side1"s the selection and adaption of activities, examination and grouping of pupils, provision and care of equipment, departmental organization, maintenance of facilities, and techniques of evaluation. Three hours credit. DEPARTMENT OF PSYCHOLOGY 100 GENERAL PSYCHOLOGY This course is designed t o provide an introduct ory unde1·– standing of the h istory, principles, and practice6 of psych ology as related to the Bible. Three hours cr edit. 203 (Ed. 203) EDUCATIONAL PSYCHOLOGY A study of the fundamental psych ological factors and p1·inci– ples that for1n the backgr ound and underlying conditions for learning and teach ing. Required of all education students. Tlu-e hou1s Cl" dit. HOLOG E A study of the characteristics, d velopment, and spi1~itual 65 •
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