1956-1957 Academic Catalog
Ceda'rviUe College LOCATION OF CEDARVILLE COLLEGE Cedarville College is located in a rural community but pos– sesses the advantage of being within easy driving distance from several cities of central and southwestern Ohio. The village, Cedarville, Ohio, wherein the College is located is situated in Greene Cormty and lies about 46 miles southwest of Columbus, 60 miles northeast of Cincinnati, 26 miles from Dayton, 11 miles south of Springfield, and 8 miles from Xenia. Buses which travel on US 42 between Cincinnati and Columbus, and on Ohio 72 between Springfield and Chillicothe pass through the town. HISTORY OF CEDARVll,I,E COLLEGE Cedarville College was originally conceived and founded by The Reforn1ed Presbyterian Church. In 1887 that group ob tained a charter from the State of Ohio for the college. The first session opened on September 9, 1894; in that year thirty– six students were enrolled, and classes were conducted in a rented house, formerly owned by the Reverend Hugh MacMillan, who had conducted an academy there in the middle years of the 19th century. Among the faculty members that first year was W. R. McChesney, later the president of the college. In an– other year the first college building, ' 'Old Main' ', had been com– pleted, and from 1895 on classes have been conducted there. In 1928 the General Synod of The Reformed Presbyterian Church 11nanimously voted to transfer ' 'all control, ownership, title, and vested property rights of the Cedarville College'' to the Board of Trustees of the College, ' 'and their successors forever.' ' In 1952-53 the Trustees of the Baptist Bible Institute of Cleve– land, Ohio formd themselves pressed to expand the institution which, under their supervision, had been established in 1942 and which had occupied the educational building of the Hough Avenue Baptist Church. They began to plan for expansion but were unable to secure suitable property in Cleveland. Just when all doors seemed to be closed, the news came of Cedarville College being offered on most unusual term.s: a campus of 15 acres and 9 buildings was to be given over to a church group willing and able to continue with a liberal arts program. 14 ,
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