1956-1957 Academic Catalog
Special: Cedarville College propriate grade points second semester to assure fulfilling all the requirements for graduation the following June. The college allows a limited number of students to take courses offered who are not desirous of pursuing a regular course of study. CHANGES IN SCHEDULE Changes in schedule are permitted before the end of the second week of classes. The student who wishes to drop one course and add another is required to present to the Registrar a statement of per1nission signed by the advisor and the in– structor of the class he is entering. The student is required to make up any work he has missed due to late entrance. Withdrawal from courses must be reported to the Registrar with a statement of permission by the student's advisor. No grade is entered for the class if it is dropped during the first two weeks. Afte1· two weeks the grade will be entered as WP, withdrawn passing, or WF, withdrawn failing. In calculating grade points and academic point averages the Registrar shall count a F all WF grades entered after the week nine-week grades are announced. Any course dropped after the 12th week of school shall be automatically counted as WF with F grade points. THE GRADING SYSTEM GRADING SYMBOLS. Students are graded according to thei1· scholarship by the use of the following symbols: A , 100-94, excellent; B, 93-85, good; C , 84-78 fair; D, 77-70, passing with work inferior to the average; I , incomplete; and F, denoting failure and no credit. In the required physical education courses the symbols S, satis– factory, and U, unsatisfactory-no credit, are used. USE OF GRADFS FOR GUIDANCE. Grades a r e issued at the end of nine weeks and of the s emester. The purpose of the nine week marks is to indicate to the student the courses in which he need to improve the 28 •
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