1956-1957 Academic Catalog
• , Curriculiim Information penalties based on the lowering of the grade point total by one-half grade point for each excess absence. After each absence, excused or unexcused, the student is req11ired to make up the work he has missed. It is the responsi– bility of the student to find out from his instructor how he can make up the work. It is also his responsibility to prepare for the class meeting that follows his absence. PHYSICAL EDUCATION Physical Education is required of all students unless a student is specifically excused by the faculty or on recom– mendation of a physician. Activities in these classes are con– fined to calisthenics, group games, relays and related work. Ample facilities have been provided for athletics, including all the indoor and outdoor sports for both men and women. Alford Memorial Gymnasium houses the indoor sports. The College field contains a regular gridiron around which a quarter-mile track is proposed. An excellent baseball diamond provides ample playing area for this popular spring sport. Cedarville College maintains intercollegiate athletic compP– tition in basket ball, baseball, track and t ennis. Intramural pro– grams are carried on in these activit ies and in volleyball, ping– pong, and tennis. Cedarville College is a member of the Mid– Ohio Intercollegiate Athletic Conference. EXTRA-CURRICULAR ACTIVITIES Any student participating in extra-curr icular activities may apply at the Registrar's office at the end of the semest er for extra– curricular grade poin ts. Any student failing t o maintain a 2.0 average will not be eligible for the extra points. The student handbook gives th e list of points awarded for various offices and activities. A student must be carrying at least 12 semester hours in order to participate in inter-collegiate athletics. The student 1nust 1namtain also a 2.0 grade point average. No student may h old a campus office or participate in school functions if he has l ss tl1an a 2 0 grad point av 1·age. 33
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