1956-1957 Academic Catalog
Departments and Courses mind 11nderlying the impartation of Bible knowledge and . principles of teaching. Two hours credit. Offered in alternate y ears. .152 TECHNIQUES OF CHRISTIAN EDUCATION A discussion of the fundamentals , problems, and principles ~1nderlying the successful development of a complete and bal– anced program of Christian Education for all age groups in the local church. Experience in practical work assignments 'in the educational progr·aro of local churches in the Cedarville ;area is used for the laboratory work in this course. Two hours credit. First semester. Offered in alternate years. 201 OLD TESTAMENT SURVEY The authorship, content, structure, main events, characters, -teachings and geography of each book is studied. Two hours credit . .202 NEW TESTAMENT SURVEY An introduction to book-study of each of the New Testa– ment books with r egard to authorship, content, structure, main events, characters, teachings and geography. Two hours credit. 210 BIBLE GEOGRAPHY AND CUSTOMS A survey of the geography and topography of Bible lands integrated with a study of the customs of those lands during the time of the history of the Old and New Testaments. Two hours credit. Offer ed in alternate years. 222 JOH The picture of Christ, presented as the Son of God, is fully .studied with emphasis upon His eternal being and relationship to the Father and the work He did on earth. Two hours ci-·edit. 232 HEBREW This course brings out the relationships and contrasts of the Old Testament Covenant with that of the New Testament Covenant. Careful consideration is giv n to authorship, doctrine and Christian life. Pr 1 equisite: Bible 141. Two hou1·s credit. 41
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