1956-1957 Academic Catalog

Cedarville College ing courses for an English major include at least four hours of Speech and at least six hours of History. Students who have been required to take English 90-91 must, if they elect to major in English, complete 27 hours of work in the department. Courses absolutely required of all English majors are: 101, 102, 201, 202, 400. As part of the requirement for a major the student shall be e.xpected to write in his senior year an acceptable thesis of suitable length in some field of his own choice. All students entering the school are req11ired to take the English examination unless they present acceptable evidence .. of advance standing. All who pass this examination will be per- mitted to enter English 101 A. Those who fail will be placed .in English 101 B. A minor or teaching field in the English department shall -consist of at least fifteen semester hours of work. 101-102 A FRESHMAN ENGLISH Stress is laid on the study of grammar, syntax, rhetoric and composition. Req11ired. Three hours credit per semester. 101-102 B FRESHMAN ENGLISH In this course the student will be grounded in the funda– mentals of English grammar, syntax, rapid reading, spelling and simple composition. Three hours credit per semester. 201-202 SOPHOI\10RE LITERATURE A progressive, chronological study of the masterpieces of English and American literature comprises the work of this ,course. Selections from the authors of both countries in poetry, drama, essay, biography, and fiction are chosen for rapid reading, interpretation, and some critical study. Required. Three hours credit per semester. 211 ADVANCED GRAMMAR AND COMPOSITION A more intensive study of the grammar and syntax of the English language will be made. Writing of more difficult types -0£ composition will be undertaken. Required of all who are going 50 •