1956-1957 Academic Catalog

• Depar t1nents and Courses application of these principles in the r eading of the Gospel of Matthew second semest er. Emphasis on vocabulary and syntax for ease and accuracy in translation. Three hours credit each semester. 301-302 GREEK READING AND EXEGESIS An advanced cou rse in rapid reading in t he Greek N.T. , and an exegesis of passages in the N.T. Two hours cr edit each semester. SPANISH 101-102 BEGINNING SPANISH An elementary course in the fundamen tals of th e gr ammar and composit ion of the Spanish language. Three h ours credit each semester. 201-202 INTERMEDIATE SPANISH A study of advanced grammar and r eading, with emphasis on the customs of the count r y t lirough the r eading in the Spanish language. Three hours credit each semester . DEPARTMENT OF IDSTORY AND SOCIAL STUDIES Objectives: To present to the student the origin and de– velopment of ideas and institut ions; to aid the student to gain a better perspective of the facts of history, the functions of government, the complexities of economics, and the nature of society; to acquaint the student with a p ractical appreciation of the methods and tools of original research projects; to pro– vide the student with an opportunity to formulate and express the results of investigation and study, and finally, to lead the student to see the plan of God through the centuries by pointing out and emphasizing the hannony which exists b etween the true fact s of secular knowledge and the infalliable truths of the Bible. HI TOR For a major in history the following courses are required beyond the general requirements for the A.B. degree: 26 hours in 1istory it1cluding 113-114, 205-206t and 490 (not 1 ss tha11 14 55