1956-1957 Academic Catalog

Cedarville College hours in upper division courses); a minimum of 6 hours in political science including 201-202; and 3 hours in economics or social science (other than history or political science) . For a major in Social Studies which will enable a student to teach in the social science field the following courses are required beyond the general req,1irements for the A.B. degree: 40 hours in social studies including American History 113-114; History of Western Civilization 205-206; Economics 201-202; Sociology 203; Political Science 201-202; Principles of Geography 101; and 10 hours of selected courses in any of the above named subject fields. 113 THE UNITED STATES TO 1865 A survey study of the political, religious, social, economic, and moral factors involved in the development of the United States from the colonial period (required of History majors). Three hours credit. 114 THE UNITED STATES FROl\f 1865 A continuation of 113, which is the prereq11isite (required of History majors). Three hours credit. 205 HISTORY OF WESTERN CIVILIZATION TO 1660 Development of Western civilization from the decline of Rome to about 1660. The heritage of Helenic and earlier civilizations is reviewed briefly. Emphasis is upon the origin and development of the political, economic, social, religious, and intellectual forces that have created the institutions and modern states of Europe (required of all History majors) Three hours credit. 206 HISTORY OF WESTERN CIVILIZATION FROM 1660 A continuation of 205, which is the prerequisite. Emphasis is upon the development of revolutionary doctrines during the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries; the role European civili– zation played in the establishment of the United States, Canada, and the Latin American countries; the background of the mod– ern world wars (Required of all History majors). Three hours credit. 56 •