1956-1957 Academic Catalog

Departments ond Courses 201-202 PHYSICAL EDUCATION Activity course required of all sophomore men. One hour credit per semester. 203-204 PHYSICAL EDUCATION Activity course required of all sophomore women. One hour credit per semester. PROFESSIONAL COURSES (These courses will be offered alternating years, and are so designed that a student following a 4-year liberal arts program will be qualified to teach in the field of physical education.) 210 METHODS OF TEACHING GAMES OF LOWER ORGANIZATION A study of the theories offered in explanation of the play tendency. Methods of teaching games, stunts, and activities adaptable to grades one through twelve; methods of presenting materials and activities in schools, conununity play grounds, and church groups. Four hours credit. 211 PRINCIPLES OF PHYSICAL EDUCATION A study and disc11ssion of the aims and objectives of physical education including historical development, relation to the general field of education, and analysis of present-day programs and methods in t erms of objectives. Two hours credit. 222 PERSO AL A D COMMUNITY HYGIENE A study of those health practices, understandings a11d at– titudes which affect the personal fitness of the individual and llle v1elfare of the community in \vhich he Ii,, s. Tv. 1 0 hours credit. 241-242 A -ATOMY AND PHY IOLOGY A course designed to give students who a1·e planning to t ach in tl1e area of physical ducation basic understandings ,vith 1 p ct to th stru tur and fu11ctions of th human body. It 65