1959-1960 Academic Catalog

401 THE TABERNACLE AND TYPOLOGY** ('59-'60) A study of the various schools of interpretation with refer· ence to typology in an endeavor to discover important prin– ciples which must be observed and the proper limits of this field of investigation. Special attention is given to the Taber– nacle. Two credit hours ROMANS AND HEBREWS (See Greek 351, 352) B. PRACTICAL THEOLOGY 151-152; 251-252; 351-352; 451-452 EVANGELISM* · A four-year laboratory ·course in the methods of leading people to Christ. Basic principles are studied the first year, non-Biblical cults the second, visitation evangelism the third, and selected advanced topics the fourth. Selected Scripture verses are ;memorized. Each student is required to take this course every year up to a maximum of four years. One lecture-lab per week. One credit hour each year 241 THE HISTORY OF MISSIONS** ('59-'60) A presentation of the movement of the Christian mission– ary enterprise from Apostolic times to our present day. Em– phasis is placed on the outstanding men of the different mis– sionary periods, and the methods that they employed. Particu– lar· attention will be given to the history of the missionary or– ganizations approved by the General Association of Regular Baptist Churches. Three credit hours 242 THE PRINCIPLES AND PRACTICES OF MISSIONS** ('59-'60) An introduction to New Testament missionary principles. Special emphasis will be given to evangelistic techniques in pioneering the resident ministry, institutional missions and the establishment of the indigenous church. Attention will be given to the application of the FAITH principles in finance and the administration of mission affairs both at the home base and on the field. The organization and policies of the GARBC Approv– ed agencies will be examined in detail. Three credit hours 41