1959-1960 Academic Catalog
THE TEACHING OF ENGLISH (See Education 310) D. GREEK LANGUAGE AND LITERATURE 251-252 ELEMENTARY AND INTERMEDIATE GREEK** {'59-'60) A thorough study of grammar and reading of selected por· tions of the New Testament. Basic grammar and the reading of simple passages are handled in the first semester; advanced syntax and an extensive reading in the gospels and epistles in the second. Five credit hours each semester 351, 352 GREEK EXEGESIS {Romans and Hebrews)** {'60·'61) Prerequisite: Greek Language and Literature 251-252 A reading of Romans and Hebrews in the original with a detailed exegetical examination of several pivotal passages. Romans is studied the first semester; Hebrews the second. Two credit hours each semester E. FRENCH LANGUAGE AND LITERATURE 171-172 ELEMENTARY FRENCH* A consideration of the essentials of grammar; constant oral drill; simple readings in the language. Three lectures and one lab each week. Three credit hours each semester 271-272 INTERMEDIATE FRENCH* Prerequisite: French Language and Literature 171-172 A review of grammar; drill in composition; constant oral drill; survey reading in French literature and culture. Three lectures and one lab each week. Three credit hours each semester 371-372 RENAISSANCE AND CLASSICAL LITERATUREt Prerequisite: French Language and Literature 271-272. Selected readings from Rabelais, John Calvin, Montaigne, Pascal, Descartes, Corneille, Moliere and Racine. Three credit hours each semester 55
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