1960-1961 Academic Catalog
Requirements for a Minor in English: Language and Literature (15 semester hours) including English and American Literature 221-222, 335. English minors in pre-theological training are advised to elect English 334. A. ENGLISH LANGUAGE 10M02 FRESHMAN COMPOSITION* A foundation course designed to review the fundamentals of grammar and to present a comprehensive understanding of the mechanics of writing and the principles of informal and formal writing. Three credit hours each semester 301 ADVANCED WRITING** ('60-'61) Prerequisite: English Language 101-102 A workshop dealing with various forms of advanced com position, especially in journalism (which is useful in education al, church, and community work). Students have the opportuni ty to pursue their own writing interests although practical expe rience is given each student through the work on the staff of the school paper. Enrollment is limited to 10 students. Three credit hours 306 THE ENGLISH LANGUAGE ('60-'61) Prerequisite: English and American Literature 221 A study of the structure, and growth of the language, designed to help in formulating an intelligent attitude toward American usage. Three credit hours B. SPEECH 111-112 FUNDAMENTALS OF SPEECH* A study of the fundamental principles of effective speak ing with practice in the preparation and delivery of speeches. Two credit hours each semester 57
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