1960-1961 Academic Catalog

Requirements for a major in Church Music: Music Theory 111-112 6 hours 211-212 6 hours 311, 312 4 hours Music History 131, 132 6 hours 331, 332, 333, 334 (Any 3 of the 4 courses) 6 hours Church Music 150 2 hours 152 or 252 2 hours 351 3 hours 352 2 hours 451 3 hours Applied Music divided among at least 3 fields with a concentration in either piano, voice, or organ 24 hours Total.......................................................... ....... 64 hours Requirements for a Minor in Music (for Christian Education majors): Music Theory 111-112 6 hours Music History 132 3 hours Church Music 150 2 hours 351 3 hours 252 or 352 2 hours Applied Music 4 hours Total........................................................... A. MUSIC THEORY 101 INTRODUCTION TO MUSIC* An elementary course in music notation, a discussion of the elements of music, and an introduction in music appreci- ation. It does not count toward B;M. degree or toward a music major in B.A. degree. Two credit hours 62