1960-1961 Academic Catalog
385-386 BUSINESS LAW** ('61-'62) A study of contracts, sales, bailments, negotiable instru ments, agency, employer-employee relationships, partnerships, corporations, insurance, and property. Threecredit hours each semester 480 MONEY AND BANKING** ('62-'63) Prerequisite—Economics 281.282 A study of the principles of money, credit, and banking, and the operation of the banking system. Threecredit hours 481 ADVANCED ACCOUNTING** ('62-'63) A study of consolidated financial statements, foreign ex change, insurance, estates and trusts, branch accounting, and problems. Three credit hours 482 BUSINESS FINANCE** ('62-'63) A survey of the financial aspects of the private, profit- seeking corporation. Consideration is given to the problems of promotion, normal operation, and reorganization. Three credit hours F. SECRETARIAL SCIENCE 191 ELEMENTARY TYPEWRITING* Techniques and fundamental skills of typewriting. 3 periods a week plus 2-hr. lab. Three credit hours 192 INTERMEDIATE TYPEWRITING* Prerequisite: 191 or Proficiency Test Continuation of 191. Emphasis on development of speed and accuracy. Practice in typing letters, research papers, and reports. 3 periods a week plus 2-hr. lab. Three credit hours 291 ADVANCED TYPEWRITING* Prerequisite: 192 or Proficiency Test Production typing involving the construction and arrange ment of business forms and legal papers. Primarily prepara tion for office work. 3 two-hour periods a week. Four credit hours 81
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