1961-1962 Academic Catalog

and to eat in the dining hall unless they have special permission from the Dean of Students to live elsewhere. Freshman Car Regulat·ions The use of cars by freshmen shall be restricted to the fol- lowing: 1. Essential travel to and from place of employment. 2. Trips home. 3. Essential travel in Christian service assignments. Any and all of these uses are to be cleared through the office of the dean of students. Any abuse of these restrictions will result in the forfeiture of the r ight to keep or use a car at Cedarville College. Permission to use cars must be secured from the Dean of Students. To obtain permission for the use of a car the student must secure a letter of approval from his parents (unless the ap– plicant is over twenty-one years of age.) He must also present evidence of automobile insurance covering personal liability and property damage, in keeping with present legal require– ments. Students who wish to marry before completing their col– lege training must obtain permission from the Dean of Stu– dents. Before such permission is granted, applicants under twenty-one must obtain a letter of approval from the parents of both the young man and his fiancee. STUDENT ACTIVITIES Chapel The students and facuity meet together each day for wor– ship and fellowship in a chapel service. Every student is re– quired to attend. Students are permitted five absences without xcuse. Faculty members, visiting pastors, educators, evan– gelists, and missionaries se1~ve as speakers for these programs. Devotional In addition to p1·i vate devotions and weekly dormito1"y p1·a)' r 111 tings, half-hour mission p1"ay 1· meetings are con– duct d before morning class sessions begin. pecial days of pra)' a e conducted twice a year. Praise, prayer, worship, 15