1961-1962 Academic Catalog
USE OF GRADES FOR GUIDANCE Grades are issued at the end of nine weeks and at the end of the semester. The purpose of the nine week marks is to in– dicate to the student the courses in which he needs to improve the quality or quantity of his work. This information should help him to raise low grades before the semester ends and they become final. The grades received in courses are also useful to indicate to the student the fields for which he has the greatest apti– tude. A student with low grades in a major or minor field is advised to select another field of concentration. The mark ' 'Incomplete'' is given when a student has done satisfactory work in a class but has been unable to complete all the required work because of conditions beyond his con– trol. The work may be made up within a period determined by the faculty member involved. If it is not completed during that period, the ' 'incomplete' ' becomes an F. GRADE POINTS AND POINT AVERAGES Cedarville College uses what is called the ' 'four point grade point system' ' to determine the exact academic average. Grade points are awarded as follows: Each semester hour of A == 4 grade points Each semester hour of B == 3 grade points Each semester hour of C == 2 grade points Each semester hour of D == 1 grade point Each semester hour of F == 0 grade points The grade point average is computed by dividing the total grade points earned by the total hours attempted. Withdrawal Withdrawal from courses 1nust be reported to the Registrar ~rith a statement of permission by the student's advisor. No grade is e11te1·ed for the class if it is dropped during the first two \veeks. Afte1· two weeks the grade will be entered as W. After nir1e weeks the g1·ade will be entered as WP, withdrawn passing, or ~F, withdrawn failing. In calculating grade points a11d acad n1ic a e1.. ages the Regist1·ar shall count as F all WF grad s. Any cou1·sc d1·opped after· the 12th week of school shall auto1natically cou11ted as F. 21 I I
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