1961-1962 Academic Catalog
A. BIBLICAL STUDIES 101 OLD TESTAMENT SURVEY* A survey of the entire Old Testament giving special atten– tion to the authorship, historical background, the argument, and the message of each book. A study of the history of the He– brew race from its origin to the time of Jesus Christ. Three credit hours 102 NEW TESTAMENT SURVEY* A survey of the entire New Testament, including the his– torical background of the Inter-Testament period, giving special attention to authorship, content, main events, and the unfold– ing of God's redemptive purpose through our Lord Jesus Christ. Three credit hours 201 BIBLICAL INTRODUCTION** ('61-'62) A critical evaluation of the theories concerning the origin, extent and value of the Bible. Higher and lower criticism, canon, and the doctrine of inspiration are studied. Two credit hours 202 OLD TESTAMENT HISTORICAL BOOKS** ('61-62) A study of the history of Israel from the time of their en– trance into Canaan until the time of their exile and restora– tion. A brief study of the four hundred years between the Old and New Testaments is also included. Two credit hours 203 OLD TESTAMENT PENTATEUCH** ('61-'62) A detailed study of the five books of Moses. Comparative secular history, Bible histor·y, geog1~aphy and archaeology are included i11 the study. Two credit hour 35
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