1961-1962 Academic Catalog

I ... 204 OLD TESTAMENT POETICAL BOOKS** ('61-'62) An examination of the distinctive characteristics of Hebrew Poetry with the various fo1·1ns being illustrated and explained. The doctrinal and the practical value of the books are also studied Psalms being treated in detail, with special attention given to the Messianic portions. Two credit hours 205 OLD TESTAMENT MAJOR PROPHETS** ('62·'63) A chronological study of the major prophetic books of the Old Testament with the exception of Daniel (which is studied in Bible Prophecy). The ministry of the prophets to their own times is carefully considered as well as their great predictive messages, fulfilled and unfulfilled. Three credit hours 206 OLD TESTAMENT MINOR PROPHETS** A continuation of 205 with emphasis upon the twelve ''minor'' prophets, their ministry in relation to Israel and other nations of their own times, and their practical message for today. Three credit hours 207-208 BIBLE DOCTRINE SURVEY* A survey of the great doctrines of the Christian faith, de– signed to help establish the student in the Word of God. Two credit hours each semester 210 BIBLICAL INTERPRETATION* A detailed study of the basic principles and laws of Bible Interpretation. Two credit hours 211-212 THE FOUR GOSPELS** ('62-'63) A harmonistic, chronological study of the Gospels, setting forth the life and ministry of Jesus Christ from His incarnation to His ascension is undertaken in the first semester. Emphasis upon each author's distinctive presentation of the life of Christ in the second semester. Two credit hours each semester 36 •