1961-1962 Academic Catalog

322 ORGANIZATION AND ADMINISTRATION OF SCHOOL HEALTH EDUCATION** ('62-'63) A study of school health problems, methods of teaching health and choosing suitable materials for teaching health in elementary and secondary schools. Three credit hours HUMAN ANATOMY AND PHYSIOLOGY (See Biology 211-212) C. PHYSICAL EDUCATION 260 PHYSICAL EDUCATION FOR ELEMENTARY SCHOOL A study of the theories offered in explanation of the play tendency. Methods of teaching games, stunts, and activities adaptable to grades one through eight; methods of presenting materials and activities in schools, community play grounds, and church groups are presented. Two credit hours 262 PRINCIPLES OF PHYSICAL EDUCATION** ('61-'62) A discussion of the aims and objectives of physical educa, tion including the historical development, the relation to the general field of education, and the analysis of present-day pro– gram and methods in terms of objectives. Two credit hours HPE 360 GYMNASTICS AND TUMBLING** ('61-'62) A survey of the theory and practice in tumbling, gymnas– tics, calesthenics and the use of gymnasium equipment, with a consideration of teaching methods and skills. Planning of ''gym nights'' and other gymnasium events is considered. Two credit hours 363-364 COACHING MAJOR SPORTS** ('61-'62) A study of modern methods of coaching football, basket– ball, baseball, track, with actual instruction and participation in either varsity, junior varsity, or intramural programs. Two credit hours each semester 371-372 TEAM SPORTS FOR WOMEN** ('61-'62) Theory and practice in speedball, soccer, field hockey, basketball, softball, and volleyball with consideration of teach– ing methods, skills and rules of the game. Attention is given to the planning of Play Days for women etc. Two credit hours each semester 54