1961-1962 Academic Catalog

I 463 ORGANIZATION AND ADMINISTRATION OF PHYSI· CAL EDUCATION** ('62-'63) The study of the procedures upon which the teaching situ– ation depends. It considers the selection and adaptation of ac– tivities, examination and grouping of pupils, provision and care of equipment, departmental organization, maintenance of fa– cilities, and techniques of evaluation. Three credit hours 465-466 INDIVIDUAL AND DUAL SPORTS FOR MEN AND WOMEN** ('62-'63) A survey of the theory and practice in tennis, archery, badminton, table tennis, volleyball, and other informal games with consideration to teaching methods, skills and rules. Two credit hours each semester 487 PHYSICAL EDUCATION SEMINAR* Research problems are conducted to develop the student's 11nderstanding and appreciation of problems in the field, to develop skills in the use of literature and in the appropriate techniques in the solution of problems. One credit hour D. RECREATION 391 INTRODUCTION TO RECREATION** ('61-'62) A survey of the recreational aspects of play for children and adults. Practical work in planning and administrating pro– grams for playgrounds, clubs, schools, and young peoples' gatherings is included. Three credit hours 392 INTRODUCTION TO CAMPING ADMINISTRATION** ('62-'63) The training of counselors and workers for camping as– sociated programs. Various aspects of camping problems with emphasis on the recreation side of camping with material gath– ered for programs, camp-outs, and nature study. Two credit hours 56 •