1961-1962 Academic Catalog

, 351 SEMINAR IN CONDUCTING* Prerequisite: Music Theory 111-112, and permission of music department A study of the role of a conductor, and the refinement of conducting technique through actual experience with vocal and instrumental groups. Must be a member of Applied Music 381 or 397 concurrent with course. Three credit hours 352 ORGANIZATION AND ADMINISTRATION OF CHURCH MUSIC* A study of the problems and practices of church music di– rector s, and the organization of church music activities. Recom– mended for all future pastors and church workers. Two credit hours 451 ARRANGING* Prerequisite: Music Theory 111-112 and 211-212 A development of skills in the area of instrumental and vocal arranging with emphasis on arranging for church instru– mental and vocal ensembles. Three credit hours D. APPLIED MUSIC Credit in applied music study is based on three to five hours of practice and one lesson per week for one hour of cred– it. All music majors must give an applied music r ecital during the senior year. The college requirement in Fine Arts cannot be 1net with applied music. Eligibility for Applied Music Lessons 1. Original registration is by satisfactorily passing an en– trance audition. 2. Continued registration is based upon satisfactory prog- ress, and is judged each semester by the music faculty at the time of applied music semester exams. 3. No student on academic probation may register· for ap- pli d music lessons. 4. A freshman must be enr·olled in some additional n1usic course or performing music group to be eligible for les- sons. 5. A student n1ust be carrying at least 10 c1·edit hours in addition to music 1 ssons 01 pay a $35 1·egistration fee er sem ster hour of lessons. 65