1961-1962 Academic Catalog

303, 304 HISTORY OF ENGLAND*** ('62-'63) A survey study of Great Britain from 55 B.C. to the pres– ent. Emphasis is upon the political , social, economic, cultural and institutional development of the English people. Particu– lar attention is focused upon the relationships between Eng– land and the United States. Three credit hours each semester 305, 306 HISTORY OF RUSSIA** * ('61-'62) A survey study of the major developments in ancient, mod– ern, and contemporary Russia. After a brief review of Russian history to the time of Peter the Gr eat, emphasis is upon the Russian backgrotind of communist ideas, organization and prac– tices. Three credit hours each semester 307, 308 HISTORY OF LATIN AMERICA*** ('63-'64) A survey study of the Latin American Republics. Emphasis is upon their political, religious, social and cultur al develop– ment as well as their relations with the United States and other nations of the world. Three credit hours each semester 400 HISTORY OF THE SOUTH* ** ('62-'63) A study of the South from 1820 t o the present. Special at– tention is focused on the problem of slavery, sectional contro– versy, southern nationality, the Civil War, reconstruction, res– toration of home rule, general and economic development. Th ree hours credit 401, 402 HISTORY OF RECENT AND CONTEMPORARY AMERICA* * ('62-'63} An intensive study of the domestic and foreign policies of the U1>.ited States in the twentieth century. Particular emphasis is upon the e1nergence of the nation as a \VOrld p0\\ 1 er, the prog essiv~ movernent, \Vo1·ld Wa1· I, the prosp rity decade, tl1e gr at depression, the New D al, \Vo1~1a Wai· II, an,J llOSt wa1· probl rns. Three credit hours each semeste r 7