1962-1963 Academic Catalog

STUDENT ACTIVITIES Chapel The students and faculty meet together each day for wor– ship and fellowship in a chapel service. Every student is re– quired to attend. Students are permitted five absences without excuse. Faculty members, visiting pastors, educators, evan– gelists, and missionaries serve as speakers for these programs. Praise, prayer, worship and practical Christian work and serv– ice are stressed during these daily chapel services. Christian Service Personal soul-winning, tract distribution, house-to-house visitation, Sunday School classes, Bible Clubs, gospel teams, and services in churches, hospitals, missions, and jails provide practical experience in Christian service. Gospel teams hav.e been used of God to bring salvation and edification to many souls. A faculty member appointed by the Administrative Committee is in charge of the department of Christian service. A weekly report is required of each student and permanent record of his service is kept. Devotional In addition to private devotions and weekly dormitory prayer meetings, half-hour mission prayer meetings are con– ducted each morning before the beginning of classes. One day is designated each semester as a day of prayer. A week of evangelistic meetings are held early in the fall semester and a week-long Bible conferrence is held in the spring. Attendance at these services is required. Dramatics Each year the students, under the direction of a member of the speech department, present major play productions. These are an important part of the College's program of personality and cultural development. Those who participate in these pro– ductions earn points toward and become eligible for election to the school's thespian society, Sock 'N' Buskin. This organiza– tion seeks to promote interest in dramatics among the student body and sponsors several social events during the year. 17