1962-1963 Academic Catalog

Two semi-formal dinners, all-school parties, film programs, and various types of concerts and cultural programs are provided for students. Student Council The Student Council is the representative assembly of the student body. Its officers are elected annually by the student body. Personnel of the council, in addition to its officers, in– cludes two :representatives from each class, one representative from each official campus organization, and a faculty adviser. The purpose of the Student Council is to iassist in providing a well-rounded program of extracurricular activities which will help to develop the physical, mental, social, and spiritual life of the students, to inspire loyalty to the school and the prin– ciples for which it stands, to promote an efficient and har– monious school life, and to recommend to the proper authori– ties any action which it deems wise for the welfare of the stu– dent as an individual or for the student body as a whole. Elec– tion to the Student Council is one of the highest honors which can be achieved by a college student. The Student Council is responsible for the supervision of the student body project and sponsors an occasional chapel period. Student Pastors' Fellowship Composed primarily of upper classmen who anticipate en– tering the ministry, this group meets weekly with a guest speaker or for group discussion to consider some of the pos– sibilities and problems which face the present day pastor. Student Publications A Bi-weekly paper, the Whispering Cedars, is published by and for the students. Those students who have had English Language 101 or have a second-semester Freshman standing are eligible Ito work on the staff. In alternate years the paper is handled as a project of the Advanced Writing class. The Junior class has the responsibility of editing, publishing, and distribut– ing The Miracle, which is the school yearbook and is published annually for the benefit of the College. Students from other classes may also malrn applications for service on The Miracle staff. 20