1962-1963 Academic Catalog

Room and board payments are to be paid at least monthly and in advance. Failure to meet the monthly payments will ex– clude student from classes and meals until the bill is paid. Deferred Payment After the first 10 days there will be a charge of $1.00 for the first 30 days; $3.00 for 60 days; and a maximum charge of $5.00 for 90 days or more. Withdrawal Refund In case a stude<Ilt withdraws from the college before the end of the semester, refunds may be granted three days after application for rrefund has been filed with the Business Office. Applications may be submitted any time after the opening of a given semester, but processing of such applications will not begin until two weeks of the semester have elapsed. Refunds are granted on the following basis: Two weeks or less ......................................................80% Two-three weeks ........................................................60% Three-four weeks ..................................................... .40% Four-five weeks ........................................................20% Over five weeks ............................................ No Refund Board and room refunded on a pro rata basis. No refund on any fees is allowed. Veterans A certificate of eligibility from the Veterans Administra– tion will be accepted as financial security for tuition and fees only. In the event a veteran enrolled in school under the G. I. Bill drops out before the end of the semester the following re– fund policy will apply: The amount billed to the student for tuition, fees, and other charges will be pro-rated to him with respect to the length of the completed portion of his course at the time of withdrawal with the period of the total length of that semester in which he had begun. STUDENT AID A Student Aid Fund, administered by a faculty committee, has been established to assist worthy students who are in need 23