1962-1963 Academic Catalog

B. SPEECH 111-112 FUNDAMENTALS OF SPEECH"' A study of the fundamental principles of effective speak· ing with practice in the preparation and delivery of speeches. Three credit hours each semester 210 DISCUSSION* A study of the principles and methods of group discussion. Two credit hours 211 RADIO AND TELEVISION SPEECH** ('62-'63) Speaking in the radio and television situation with training in preparation and presentation of radio and television talk and interview materials. Two credit hours 213 INTERPRETIVE READING* Logical and emotional meanings in prose, poetry, and dra– ma for oral reading with practice in expression. Two credit hours 215-216 ARGUMENTATION AND DEBATE* Principles and practice in debating. Study of questions used in intercollegiate debate. Two credit hours each semester 310 STAGE PRODUCTION* For students who act in stage college plays. May be taken more than once, but the total credit earned may not exceed three credit hours. One credit hour 311 PERSUASION* Study in analysis, composition, and delivery of persuasive speeches. Attention is given to audience analysis and to logical, emotional, and ethical proofs. Two credit hours 313-314 PULPIT SPEECH** ('63-'64) A course designed to present the theory and practice of the preparation and delivery of sermons. The first semester em– phasizes theory, the second emphasizes practice preaching. Two credit hours each semester 53