1962-1963 Academic Catalog
316 PARLIAMENTARY PROCEDURE** ('62-63) A study of the proper procedure in the conduct of busi– ness meetings; the formation of organizations; the writing of constitutions. One credit hour 318 INTRODUCTION TO DRAMATICS*** ('63·'64) Principles of mounting and staging a play including the- ories of play selection and analysis. Three credit hours 319 HISTORY OF PUBLIC ADDRESS** ('62-'63) A study of the biographies, methods of speaking, and noted address of selected British and American orators. Three semester hours 410 SPEECH SEMINAR* Prerequisite: Permission iof the Professor A course designed to introduce the student to types of re– search problems and to guide him into independent research in the field of his choice. One to three credit hours C. l:NGLISH AND AMERICAN LITERATURE 231-232 SURVEY OF ENGLISH LITERATURE** ('62-'63) A chronological study of major and representative Eng– lish literary works from historical, ideological and critical standpoints. Three credit hours each semester 241-242 SURVEY OF AMERICAN LITERATURE** ('62-'63) A progressive, chronological study of America's literature from the beginning to the present. An attempt is made to give a balanced approach including historical, social, and cultural backgrounds along with a close reading for ideas and interpre– tation. Three credit hours each semester ('fhe two preceding survey courses are each designed for the general education requirements as well as for giving the major student a basic understanding of his field.) 54
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