1962-1963 Academic Catalog

361-362 SPANISH LITERATURE Prerequisite: Spanish 261-262 Three credit hours each semester F. FRENCH 171-172 ELEMENTARY FRENCH** ('63·'64) A consideration of the essentials of grammar; constant oral drill; simple readings in the language. Three lectures and one lab each week. Three credit hours each semester 271-272 INTERMEDIATE FRENCH** ('63·'64) Prerequisite: French 171-172 A review of grammar; drill in composition; constant oral drill; reading in French literature and culture. Three credit hours each semester 371-372 FRENCH LITERATURE Prerequisite: French 271-272 Three credit hours each semester G. GERMAN 181-182 ELEMENTARY GERMAN* A consideration of the essentials of grammar; constant oral drill; simple readings in the language. Three lectures and one lab each week. Three credit hours each semei;ter 281-282 INTERMEDIATE GERMAN* Prerequisite: German 181-182 A review of grammar; drill in composition; constant oral drill; reading of German literature and culture. Three credit hours each semester Three credit hours each semester 381-382 GERMAN LITERATURE Prerequisite: German 281-282 Three credit hours each semester 57