1962-1963 Academic Catalog
Physics 241-242; Mathematics '161, 162 (or equiv.), 261-262. Language and Literature (28 semester hours) including German 181-182, 281-282. A. BIOLOGY 110 PRINCIPLES OF BIOLOGY* A presentation and development of biological principles common to both animal and plant kingdoms. This course is de– signed to meet a general education need. It is prerequisite to all other courses in biology. Four credit hours 211-212 GENERAL BOTANY* Prerequisite: Biology 110 A study of the principles of plant organization and func– tion, including plant ecology, Field trips and a study of local flora are included in the second semester. Three lectures, one lab per week. Four credit hours each semester 213-214 GENERAL ZOOLOGY* Prerequisite: Biology 110 , A survey of general zoological principles and the phyla, main classes, and some orders. The first semester deals with non-chordates, the second with the chordates. The laboratory study includes representative organisms of the principle phyla and classes. Three lectures, one lab per week. Four credit hours each semester 311-312 HUMAN ANATOMY AND PHYSIOLOGY** ('62-'63) Prerequisite: Biology 214 A study of the structure and functions of the organ sys- tems of the human body. Three credit hours each semester 67
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