1962-1963 Academic Catalog

252 WORLD GEOGRAPHY* A survey of various areas of the world with an emphasis upon the cultural, ec0nomic, and political developments in rela– tion to the geographical conditions. Three credit hours D. POLITICAL SCIENCE 261 AMERICAN NATIONAL GOVERNMENT* An introductory study of constitutional principles and the three branches of the national government. Three credit hours 262 PROBLEMS IN AMERICAN NATIONAL GOVERNMENTt A study of some of the major problems facing the national government in such areas as foreign relations, defense, finance, agriculture, labor and business. Three credit hours 264 AMERICAN STATE AND LOCAL GOVERNMENT* The organization and function of states and their political subdivisions form the basis of study in this course. Three credit hours 360 COMPARATIVE EUROPEAN GOVERNMENTt An examination and comparison of the major European governments, such as England, Frartce, a)Jld Russia, to that of America. Three credit hours E.. LIBRARY SCIENCE 221 INTRODUCTION TO REFERENCE MATERIALS* ('63·'64) Basic course which includes a brief discussion of the phil· osophy of reference service, an introduction to the Dewey Deci– mal and Library of Congress classification schemes, the card catalog, investigation of specific reference books, and expe· rience in compiling an annotated bibliography. Two credit hours 77