1963-1964 Academic Catalog

Cedarville College STUDENT ACTIVITIES men. During these days, the Freshmen become acquainted with the campus and the facilities provided for their instruction and welfare. Selected upperclassmen and members of the faculty greet the new students and assist them in adapting to student life. During this period, tests in English, a test of mental maturity, the College Qualification Test, a reading test, and a test in listening are given to all entering Freshmen. These tests must be taken before a student can fully complete registration. INTERCOLLEGIATE AND INTRAMURAL SPORTS Cedarville College maintains intercollegiate athletic competition in basketball, baseball, track, tennis, and golf. Cedarville is a member of the Mid-Ohio Intercollegiate Athletic Conference and the National As– sociation of Intercollegiate Athletics. A student must carry at least 12 semester hours and stay off academic probation in order to participate in intercollegiate athletics. A student-sponsored organization known as the Pep Club seeks to promote school spirit and enthusiasm at athletic contests. The physical education department supervises a program of intra– mural sports each year, including touch-football, basketball, volleyball, badminton, table tennis, softball, and soccer. LITERARY SOCIETIES Cedarville College offers two literary societies for women, Gamma Chi and Kappa Delta Chi, and one, Alpha Chi, for men. They have as their primary purpose the cultivation of Christian personality and leadership. Their programs stimulate originality and growth along literary, musical, artistic, and humorous lines, and the development of poise and ease at both formal and informal events. A secondary pur– pose of the literary societies is entertainment. MISSIONS FELLOWSHIP The Fellowship for World Missions, composed of all students in– terested in either foreign or home missions, meets a.t regular intervals for discussion and presentation of the needs of various fields and for intercessory prayer in their behalf. The group occasionally sponsors speakers in chapel. An annual missionary conference is held each spring in cooperation with local churches. 11