1963-1964 Academic Catalog

STUDENT ACTIVITIES Cedarville College USE OF CARS The unnecessary use of cars is prohibited. Studies have demon– strated that there is a close correlation between low grades and the possession and use of a car by college students. For this reason, fresh– men are encouraged not to bring a car with them to college. If they do bring a car, the use of it will be restricted to trips home, out-of– town employment, and Christian service assignments. Any student who gives evidence of carelessness in the use of his car, or in the payments of financial obligations, may be limited in the use of his car. All cars used by the students must be registered at the office of the Dean of Students. In order to keep a car at college, all single stu– dents under twenty-one years of age must present a letter of permis– sion from their parents to the Dean of Students. All students must give evidence of having public liability and property damage insurance. No exceptions will be allowed. JAJCD -FM I 881 FOLLO\JINC m: JAO:'ETS Radio interview Mid-Ohio League action 14