1963-1964 Academic Catalog

ADMISSION Cedarville College EDUCATIONAL BENEFITS FOR EX-SERVICEMEN Four semester hours of credit in Physical Education will be granted those who have completed at least two years in the armed forces. Additional credit will be granted for courses taken by correspond– ence at accredited colleges or universities through USAFI. RETURNING STUDENTS Students who have not been enrolled for one calendar year and who wish to return should, at their earliest convenience, write a letter of application to the Registrar's office. REGISTRATION The official dates of registration for each session are listed in the school calendar. Pre-registration periods may be designated for stu– dents in residence. Registration consists of the following procedures : 1. Arrangement of Schedule. Although each student has a faculty advisor to help with scheduling, the student is entirely respon– sible for his course of study. 2. Approval of schedule. Each student must have his schedule approved by his faculty advisor. 3. Payment of fees. The registration card must be approved by the Business Office before registration is considered complete. Students are urged to register on the days provided. Nominal charges must be made for late registration. Changes in program caused by cancellation of courses will not in– volve financial penalty. CHANGES IN SCHEDULE Changes in schedule are permitted before the end of the second week of classes. The student who wishes to drop one course and add another is required to present to the Registrar a statement of permis– sion signed by the advisor and the instructor of the class he is enter– ing. The student is required to make up any work he has missed due to late entrance. WITHDRAWAL FROM A COURSE Whenever a student withdraws from a course, he must notify the Registrar's office by submitting a completed form provided for this purpose. This form must be signed by both the instructor of the course that he is seeking to drop and the student's faculty advisor. No grade is entered for the course if it is dropped during the first two weeks. After two weeks, the grade will be entered as "W." After nine weeks, the grade will be entered as "WP" (withdrawn passing) or "WF" (withdrawn failing). In calculating grade points and academic aver– ages, the Registrar shall count as "F" all "WF" grades. Any course dropped after the twelfth week of school shall be automatically count– ed as "F." 22