1963-1964 Academic Catalog

ACADEMIC INFORMATION Cedarville College Graduation with Honors. Upon recommendation of the faculty, a student who earns a grade point average of 3.50 will be graduated "cum laude" ; one who earns a grade point average of 3.70 will be graduated "magna cum laude" ; and one who earns a grade point average of 3.85 will be graduated "summa cum laude." A student must be in residence at least two full years (junior and senior) in order to qualify for honors. The President's Trophy. This is an annual award of the College for which all members of the student body are eligible. The recipient of the award is judged on the basis of scholastic ability, character, leadership, and sportsmanship. A committee consisting of the Presi– dent, the Dean of Students, the Dean of the College, and the Registrar make the annual selection. The Scholarship Trophy. This is also an annual award of the Col– lege for which all members of the student body are eligible. The trophy will be awarded to the student who has attained the highest scholastic ,average during the academic year in which the award is made. This trophy is donated to the College by Josten's, Inc. The Music Trophy. This trophy is awarded each year to a senior student selected by the music faculty. It is given for outstanding musical scholarship and for service to Christ through music. THE GRADING SYSTEM Grades are issued at the end of nine weeks and at the end of the semester. Mid-semester marks indicate to the student the courses in which he needs to improve the quality or quantity of his work. This information should help him to raise low grades before the semester ends and the grades become final. Grades received in courses indicate to the student the fields for which he has the greatest aptitude. A student with low grades in a major or minor field is advised to select another field of concentration. The mark "Incomplete" is given when a student has done satis– factory work in a class but has been unable to complete all the re– quired work because of extended illness. The work may be mad€ up within two weeks following the end of the semester. If it is not com– pleted during that period, the "Incomplete" becomes an "F." 26