1963-1964 Academic Catalog

Cedarville College GENERAL INFORMATION GENERAL INFORMATION PURPOSE The purpose of Cedarville College, a Baptist college of arts and sciences, is to offer its students an education consistent with the follow– ing objectives in the areas of both general and specialized education: 1. To cultivate and develop in each student Christian character through the attainment of sound knowledge and genuine wisdom. 2. To establish the student in the fundamentals of the Christian faith; to lead him into a continuing, progressive experience of spiritual victory and to a practical expression of the Christian life in ethi– cal behavior by the enabling of the Holy Spirit. 3. To help him accept his responsibility of leading others to Christ and into faithful Christian service in a local church where Bibli– cal truth is intelligently propagated. 4. To give the student experiences which will enable him to solve problem situations through the skillful discovery, formulation, evaluation, and application of facts, concepts, and principles in the light of Scriptural truths and precepts. 5. To familiarize the student with various fields of knowledge de– manding competency in a few and proficiency in at least one, and to assist in the choice and preparation for a given profession or vocation. 6. To develop the understandings, attitudes, and habits necessary for him to participate constructively in the social and civic life of the community, the state, and the nation. 7. To develop within the student a desire for healthful living and mutual cooperation through instruction and participation in whole– some activities. PROGRAM Cedarville College offers its students undergraduate majors in Ac– counting, Art, Bible, Biology, Business Administration, Chemistry, Chris– tian Education, English, General Science, History, Music, Physical Edu– cation, Physical Science, Secretarial Science, Social Studies, Sociology, and Speech. Minors are available in the above areas and also in Ec– onomics, Foreign Languages, Mathematics, and Psychology. The Bache– lor of Arts, Bachelor of Music, and Bachelor of Science degrees are granted by the College upon sucessful completion of 128 semester hours in general education courses including Bible and in the student's chosen fields. 3