1963-1964 Academic Catalog

Cedarville College DEGREE REQUIREMENTS Students planning to participate in the teacher training program should work closely with advisors at both colleges and should plan to begin work at Central State during the sophomore year. Secondary Education. Requirements for certification of secondary school teachers in the State of Ohio include course work in certain teaching fields. Advisors can help the student determine the number of hours required for competence in each teaching field as well as the number of fields required. The Cedarville College program includes the following teaching fields: Art, Biology, Business, Chemistry, Economics, English, General Science, History, Mathematics, Music, Physical Education, Physical Sci– ence, Social Studies, Speech, and Stenography-Typing. Students who are candidates for the secondary certificate take 30 hours at Central State College, of which 21 hours are in education. Elementary Education. Students who wish to be candidates for the elementary teaching certificate will not be required to have teaching fields but will follow a program which will include 30 hours in history, geography, political science, and sociology. Central State currently re– quires 51 semester hours in elementary education courses. Elementary education courses are offered at Central State College. Wherever general education requirements of Cedarville College have not been included in the following Program of Studies for Ele– mentary Education,- other courses taken at Central State College will satisfy the requirem~nts except in the' case of foreign language. This requirement has been modified so that a candidate who has had two years of the same modern foreign language in high school will not be required to take additional foreign language. All others must take one year of a modern foreign language. Program of Studies for Elementary Education Freshman Yoor First Semester Old Testament Survey __________ 3 U. S. History --------- --------- 3 English Composition _________ ___ 3 Fundamentals of Speech _________ 3 Mathematics or General Psychology 3 Physical Education ------------- - 1 I 16 Second Semester New Tes113!1Ilent Survey___________ 3 U. S. History ------------------ 3 English Composition ______ ______ 3 Fundamentals of Speech ________ _ 2 General Psychology or Mathematics 3 Physical Education ______________ 1 Personal and Community Hygiene__ 2 17 Sophomore Year Evangelism --- ----------------- 3 Biological Science --------------- 4 Soci;al Science --------- ---- ____ 3 Literature- Survey ------ ------ --- 3 "Human Growth and Development 3 "Physical Education for Elementary School Children_____ .;,2. 18 31 Bible Doctrine ------------ --- -- 3 Biological Science ______________ 2 Social Science _________________ 6 • Art in the Elementary School____ 3 " Changing Viewpoints _________ _ 3 17