1963-1964 Academic Catalog

Cedarville College BIBLICAL EDUCATION BIBLICAL EDUCATION President : James T. Jeremiah, Professor Arthur F. Williams Associate Professor: George L. Lawlor Assistant Professors : Jean Fisher, Robert Gromacki, Joy Mackay, Richard T. Mcintosh The division of Biblical Education is comprised of A) Biblical Studies, B) Practical Theology, and C) Christian Education. This division seeks to provide a Biblical foundation for a liberal arts education, presenting the great truths of the Scripture by study– ing correct principles of interpretation and proper application in or– der that the student may be an effective witness for Christ regardless of the vocation which he may be led to pursue. It also seeks to lay a good foundation for graduate study as well as offering terminal pro– grams for the missionary, pastor, or Christian education director. All students must be enrolled in a Bible course each semester un– til they have completed the required Bible sequence. Bachelor of Arts Programs Requirements for a Comprehensive Bible Major. Fifty-four semes– ter hours, including Biblical Studies 101, 102, 201, 303-304, 305, 306, 308, 401, 403-404, four hours of electives in Old Testament studies, ten hours of electives in New Testament studies; Practical Theology 240, 241 or 243, 340; Christian Education 362. Additional requirements - Greek 251-252, 351-352; History 201, 202. Requirements for a Pre-Seminary Bible Major. Thirty-two semester hours, including Biblical Studies 101, 102, 210, 305, 312, 401, four hours of electives in Old Testament studies, six hours of electives in New Testament studies; Practical Theology 240, 340. Requirements for a Major in Christian Education. Twenty-six se– mester hours, including Christian Education 261, 262, 362, 363, 364, 461, 463, 464, 465, 470. Requirements for a Minor in Bible. Every student who fulfills the general education requirements will have a minor in Bible. Requirements for a Minor in Christian Education. Fifteen semester hours, including Christian Education 261, 262, 362, 363, 364;·461. 35