1963-1964 Academic Catalog

Cedarville College ~BIBLICAL EDUCATION 211-212 THE FOUR GOSPELS* (1964-65) A harmonistic, chrnnological study of the Gospels, setting forth the life and ministry of Jesus Christ from His incarnation to His acension, is underraken in the first semester. Emphasis upon each author's distinctive presentation of the life of Christ in the second semester. Two credit hours each semester 213-214 LIFE AND LETTERS OF PAUL* (1964-65) A careful study of the life of Paul as introduced in the book of Acts, to– gether with a derailed study of each of his Epistles. Special attention is given to historical backgrnund, local conditions reflected in his writings, and the great doctrines of the Christian church. Three credit hours each semeste1· 215-216 THE GENERAL EPISTLES* (1963-64) A study of Hebrews, James, and the Epistles of Peter, John, and Jude. An effort is made to acquaint the student with the content, structure, character, and doctrines of these Epistles, together with such relationship as may exist between them and the Levitical economy. Three credit hours each semester 303-304 SYSTEMATIC THEOLOGY A derailed and careful investigation of the doctrines of the Christian faith, viz., the Scriptures, God, Angels, Man, Sin, Salvation, Christ, the Holy Spirit, the Church, and the Last Things. The importance, aim, content, sources, and methods of Systematic Theology are also discussed. Two C1·edit hours each semester 305 CHRISTIAN EVIDENCES A course designed to demonstrate the factuality of Biblical Christianity. The evidences of a trustworrhy Bible, archaeology, history, fulfilled prophecy, miracles, the Person and the resurrection of Christ, and of Christian experience are studied. Two credit hours 306 AN INTRODUCTION TO PHILOSOPHY This course will provide an orientation to the general field of philosophy, introducing the student to some of the problems which have engaged the minds of philosophers and the solutions which they have offered, evaluating them in the light of Divine revelation. Three credit hours 308 APOLOGETICS A defense of Biblical Christianity based on philosophical grounds. The various systems of philosophy are examined critically and compared with Chris– tian Theism. Two credit hours 312 BIBLICAL INTERPRETATION A detailed study of the basic principles of Bible interpretation. T wo credit hours 37