1963-1964 Academic Catalog

Cedarville College BIBLICAL EDUCATION Christian Education Major, Bachelor of Arts Degree Freshman Year First Semester Old Testament Survey ---------- 3 English Composition __ __________ 3 Fundamentals of Speech _____ ____ 3 Physical Education ______________ 1 Social Science --------- -------- 3 Foreign language ______ --------- 3 16 Second Semester New Testament Survey - --------- 3 English Composition __ _____ _____ 3 Fundamentals of Speech _________ 2 Physical Education _____________ 1 Social Science - ---------------- 3 Foreign language -------- ------ 3 15 Sophomore Year Bible Doctrine Survey ----------- 3 literature Survey --------------- 3 General Psychology - ------------ 3 The Inductive Method of Bible Study - ------ ---------- 2 living with Art and Music_______ 3 Foreign language ----------- --- 3 17 Evangelism ------------- - - ----- 3 literature Survey --------------- 3 Christian Education of Children___ 3 Electives ---------------------- 4 Foreign language ---------- ---- 3 16 Junior Year Christian Evidences _____________ 2 Science ----------------------- 4 Physical Education ---------- --- 1 Christian Education of Youth_____ 3 Methods of Bible Teaching_______ 2 Electives --- ------------------- 4 16 Biblical Interpretation ----------- 2 Science ------------------ ----- 4 Physical Education ____________ __ 1 Christian Education of Adults_ ____ 2 Educational Work of the Church___ 3 Electives ---------------------- 4 16 Senior Year Philosophy of Christian Education__ 3 Practice Teaching ------------ - -- 3 Baptist History and Polity________ 3 Electives ---------------------- 7 16 41 Christian Education Seminar _____ 2 Practice Teaching ______________ 3 Electives ____________ ___ ______ _l l 16