1963-1964 Academic Catalog

Cedarville College BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION 316 SALES MANAGEMENT* (1964-65) Techniques, principles, and practices in personal selling, and a discussion of the principles of organization, supervision, and control of the selling function. Three credit hours 411 OFFICE MANAGEMENT* (1963-64) Fundamentals of office organization and mllinagement; utilization of office space and equipment; organization and administration of office procedures; selec– tion, training, and supervision of office personnel. Three credit hours 412 BUSINESS FINANCE* (1964-65) A survey of the financial aspects of private, profit-seeking corporation. Consideration is given to the problems of promotion, normal operation, and reorganization. Three credit hours 413, 414 BUSINESS LAW* (1964-65) A study of contracts, sales, bailments, negotiable instruments, agency, em– ployer-employee relationships, partnerships, corporations, insurance, and property. Three credit hours each semester 416 PRINCIPLES OF ADVERTISING* (1964-65) Principles and procedures in modern advertising including analysis of prod- ucts, buyer attitudes, media, layout, and copy. Three credit hours 418 BUSINESS SEMINAR Discussion of current bu.siness topics. Designed to prepare students for gradu- ate work or for a job in business. Open to seniors only. One credit hour C. SECRETARIAL SCIENCE 121 ELEMENTARY TYPEWRITING Techniques and fundamental skills of typewriting. Four one-hour periods per week. 122 INTERMEDIATE TYPEWRITING Two credit hours Prerequisite: Secretarial Science 121 or Proficiency Test Continuation of 121. Emphasis on development of speed and accuracy. Practice in typing letters, research papers, and reports. Four one-hour periods per week. Two credit hom·s 123 ELEMENTARY SHORTHAND Gregg method, with concentration on shorthand vocabulary, reading, and beginning dictation. Three credit hours 124 DICTATION Prerequisite: Secretarial Science 123 or equivalent Continuation of 123, with increased emphasis on dictation and non-short– hand factors of transcription such as punctuation and spelling. Three credit hours 221 ADVANCED TYPEWRITING Prerequisite: Secretarial Science 122 or Proficiency Test Production typing involving the construction and arrangement of business forms and legal papers. Primarily preparation for office work. Three credit hours 45