1963-1964 Academic Catalog

BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION Cedarville College 223, 224 DICTATION AND TRANSCRIPTION Prerequisite: Grade of C in Secretarial Science 124 or Proficiency Test Dictation and transcription in Gregg shorthand, with emphasis on increas– ing speed and accuracy. Three two-hour periods each ·week. Three credit hours each semester 322 SECRETARIAL PRACTICE Familiarizes student with traits and qualities chat a successful secretary must possess. Filing, handling of mail, business communications, business etiquette, use of dictaphone, mimeograph, etc., are studied. Three credit hours D. ECONOMICS 131, 132 PRINCIPLES OF ECONOMICS A study of fundamental economic principles as an aid in understanding our free enterprise system. An emphasis on such economic concepts as production, consumption, exchange, and price distribution. Three credit hours each semester 231 ECONOMIC HISTORY* Prerequisite : Economics 132 (l963-64) Economic development of the United Scates with emphasis on the rapid in– dustrialization of America, growth of big business, rise of the labor movement, and the trend to government intervention and control. Three credit hours 232 COMPARATIVE ECONOMIC SYSTEMS* Prerequisite : Economics 132 (1963-64) A survey and comparative analysis of the economic institutions of Capital- ism, Socialism, Fascism, and Communism. Three credit hours 331 MONEY AND BANKING* Prerequisite : Economics 132 (1964-65) A study of the principles of money, credit, and banking, and the operation of the banking system. Three credit hours 332 LABOR PROBLEMS* Prerequisite: Economics 132 (l964-65) The rise and growth of organized labor in the American economy. Indus– trial unrest; its causes, manifestations, economic significance, and major at– tempts to remedy it. Three credit hours 333 BUSINESS STATISTICS* (1964-65) An introduction to statistical methods as applied to the collection, presenta– tion, analysis, and interprecaion of numerical data relevant co business operations. Three credit hours 46