1963-1964 Academic Catalog

BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION Cedarville College General Business Major, Bachelor of Science Degree Freshman Year First Semester Old Testament Survey__ __ ________ 3 English Composition ____ ___ __ ___ 3 Fundamentals of Speech__________ 3 Social Science __ --------------- 3 Introduction to Business_ _________ 3 Physical Education 16 Second Semester New Testament Survey__________ 3 English Composition -------- ---- 3 Fundamentals of Speech__________ 2 Social Science - - ----------- --- - 3 Mathematics of Business and Economics_ __ _____ 3 Physical Education ------------- 1 15 Sophomore Year Principles of Economics__________ 3 Literature Survey ---------- ---- 3 Bible Doctrine Survey___________ 3 Principles of Accounting____ ___ __ 3 General Psychology _____ ___ _____ 3 Physical Education _____________ 1 16 Principles of Economics__________ 3 Literature Survey - - ------------- 3 Evangelism -------------------- 3 Principles of Accounting_________ 3 Living with Art and Music_______ 3 Physical Education - - ----------- 1 16 Junior Year Christian Evidences _____ ___ __ __ _ 2 Science ----------------------- 4 Principles of Marketing__________ 3 Electives ---------- --------- --- 8 17 Biblical Interpretation __________ 2 Science - - ---------- --- -------- 4 Principles of Organization and Management__ 3 Business Correspondence and Reports -------- --- ------ 3 Electives ----- - ----- - ---------- 5 17 Senior Year Business Statistics - - ------------ 3 Business Law ------------------ 3 Money and Banking ------------ 3 Ekctiv~ ---------------------- 6 15 48 Baptist History and Policy________ 3 Business Law ------------------ 3 Business Finance - ------- ------ - 3 Business Seminar (elective ) ______ 1 Electives ---------------------- 6 16