1963-1964 Academic Catalog

Cedarville College GENERAL INFORMATION RECOGNITION By its charter, issued under the laws of the State of Ohio, Jan– uary 12, 1887, Cedarville College is recognized as a degree-granting institution. Cedarville College has been approved by the Veterans Administra– tion for education of veterans under the provision of Public Laws 550 and 634. The College is currently engaged in preliminary steps toward mem– bership in the North Central Association of Secondary Schools and Colleges. The College holds associate membership in the Ohio College As– sociation. The following quote is from the current edition of "Credit Given by Educational Institutions" published by the American Association of Collegiate Registrars and Admissions Officers : "Transcript of record accepted for admission on a provisional basis-to be validated by satis– factory work in residence." This edition further states that students from Cedarville College can transfer up to and including four years of work and that Cedarville College graduates are accepted into graduate school. Old Main and Science Hall 5