1963-1964 Academic Catalog

Cedarville College FINE ARTS 121 BEGINNING DRAWING The elemental forms of narure and still-life are srudied and executed in pencil, charcoal, crayon, and ink. Two credit hottrs 122 ADVANCED DRAWING Prerequisite : Art 121 or permission of the instructor The srudy of the clothed figure in the various drawing media. Two credit hours 221 PAINTING Prerequisite: Art 122 or permission of the instructor The srudy of still-life and landscape in pastel, watercolor, casein, and oils. Three credit hours 224 SCULPTURE Prerequisite : Art 122 An anlysis of rhe elemental forms of nature leading to sculprure of the human head, with attention to character portrayal. Plaster casting will be included. Three credit hours 225, 226 DESIGN Prerequisite: Art 121 or permission of the instructor Srudio research into the underlying principles of design. Formal and ab– stract arrangements are produced with attention given to line, form, value, and color. Three credit hours each semester 321 HISTORY OF ART - PRE-HISTORIC THROUGH MEDIEVAL A survey of early European art from pre-historic times through the medieval era. Two credit hours 322 HISTORY OF ART - RENAISSANCE TO MODERN The influences and styles of the Renaissance, Baroque, and Rococo will be noted and contrasted with Modern art. Two credit hourJ 323, 324 CRAFTS* (1964-65) Emphasizes creative work, using simple tools and inexpensive materials. Especially designed for those who plan to enter recreation, social service, or other allied fields. Three credit hours each semeste1 420 APPLIED ART Prerequisite : Art 122 and 221 Special srudy in graphic art and layout, cartooning, lettering, sign-painting, ink illustration, and art problems. Three credit hours 51