1963-1964 Academic Catalog

FINE ARTS Cedarville College DEPARTMENT OF MUSIC The department of music includes A) Music Theory, B) Music History, C) Church Music, and D) Applied Music. This department seeks to provide college work for the serious– minded music student, and music courses on an elective basis for any student; to supply churches with dedicated men and women trained to serve God as church music directors; and to provide the necessary groundwork for graduate study in music. Programs are offered leading to both the Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Music degrees. The Bachelor of Music program, being considered a professional program, requires more hours for the major. Because of this, the general education requirements of fine arts, sci– ence, foreign language, and a minor field are waived in this program. Bachelor of Music Program Requirements for a Major in Church Music. Sixty-four semester hours, including Music Theory 111-112, 211-212, 311, 312; Music History 132, 231, 232, 333, 334; Church Music 150 or 252, and 351, 352, 451, 453; nine hours in Applied Music in a recital area; fifteen hours of elec– tives in Applied Music. Bachelor of Arts Program Requirements for a Major in Music. Thirty-two semester hours, in– cluding Fine Arts 100; Music Theory 111-112, 211-212; Music History 231, 333, and 232 or 334; Church Music 351; eight hours in Applied Music in a recital area. Requirements for a Minor in Music. Sixteen semester hours, in– cluding Fine Arts 100; Music Theory 111-112; Music History 231, 333; three hours in Applied Music. Requirements for a Minor in Music (for Christian Education ma– jors). Sixteen semester hours, including Fine Arts 100; Music Theory 111-112; Church Music 150, 352; three hours in Applied Music. A. MUSIC THEORY 101 INTRODUCTION TO MUSIC Designed to widen the student's concepts and uses of music, including singing in parts and playing the flutophone. Two credit hours 111-112 BEGINNING THEORY Prerequisite : Music Theory 101 or a passing grade on the Music Pro– ficiency Test. The student must be able to play easy hymns on the piano. A study of fundamental harmonies and tone relations used in musical com– position, approached through analysis, ear training, and keyboard work. Three credit hours each semester 52