1963-1964 Academic Catalog

Cedarville College FINE ARTS 211-212 ADVANCED THEORY Prerequisite: Music Theory 111-112 and a sight-reading ability of standard church hymns on the piano. An analysis of standard literature, and experimental writing in various forms. Three credit hours each semester 311, 312 COUNTERPOINT Prerequisite: Permission of instructor A survey of the development of polyphonic music from the two-part forms of sixteenth century ecclesiastical composers to an eighteenth century four-voice fugue in the style of Bach. Two credit hottrs each semester ARRANGING (See Church Music 451) B. MUSIC HISTORY 132 MUSIC APPRECIATION Prerequisite : Music Theory 101 or a passing grade on the Music Proficiency Test The enjoyment of musical literature, and the relationship of music with the other arts. Three lectures and two listening labs per week. Four credit hours 231 BAROQUE MUSIC Prerequisite: Permission of the instructor A specialized study in the music of the Baroque period, terminating with the literature of Bach and Handel. Two credit hours 232 CLASSICAL MUSIC Prerequisite: Music Theory 111-112 or Music History 132 A specialized study in the music of the Classical period, culminating in the literature of Haydn and Mozart. Two credit hours 333 ROMANTIC MUSIC Prerequisite : Music Theory 111-112 A specialized study in the music of the Romantic period from Beethoven to Impressionism. Two credit hours 334 MODERN MUSIC Prerequisite : Music History 333 A specialized study of the serious concerr literature of the twentieth century. C. CHURCH MUSIC 150 SONG LEADING Two credit hours Prerequisite : Music Theory 101 1or a passing grade on the Music Pro– ficiency Test. An elementary course in the mechanics of conducting hymns, and a study of the duties of a song leader in organizing a service. Recommended for all future pastors and church workers. Two credit hours 252 HYMNOLOGY A study of the origin and development of protestant church music, and an evaluation of its present use. Two credit hours 53