1963-1964 Academic Catalog

Cedarville College 387, 388 391, 392 393, 394 397, 398 BRASS ENSEMBLE WOODWIND ENSEMBLE STRING ENSEMBLE CONCERT BAND FINE ARTS One-half credit hour each semester One-half credit houi· each semester One-half credit hour each semester One-half credit hour each semester Church Music Major, Bachelor of Music Degree Freshman Year First Semester Second Semester Old Testament Survey _______ ____ 3 New Testament Survey_____ __ __ _ 3 English Composition __ ________ __ 3 English Composition ___________ 3 Physical Education _____________ 1 Physical Education ------ -------- 1 General Psychology ------------- 3 Music Appreciation ____ _________ 4 Beginning Theory ________ ______ 3 Beginning Theory _____ _________ 3 Applied Music --·-------------- - 3 Applied Music _________________ 3 16 17 Sophomore Year Evangelism -------------------- 3 Fundamentals of Speech__________ 3 Physical Education ___ _____ ____ __ 1 Advanced Theory _____ _____ ____ 3 Baroque Music ---------------- 2 Applied Music ----------------- 3 15 Bible Doctrine Survey ___ __ __ __ __ 3 Fundamentals of Speech__________ 2 Physical Education ----- ---- ---- 1 Advainced Theory -------------- 3 Classical Music ---------------- 2 Hymnology or Song Leading ______ 2 Applied Music ----------------- 3 16 Junior Year Christian Evidences _________ __ __ 2 Social Science ----------------- 3 Electives ------------------ --- - 2 Counterpoint ------------------- 2 Romantic Music --- ------------ 2 Seminar of Conducting__________ 3 Applied Music ________ ___ _____ 3 17 Biblical Interpretation ___________ 2 Social Science ------ ----- - --- ~- 3 Electives -------------- -------- 2 Cot!.nterpoint ____________ ______ 2 Modern Music ----- ------------ 2 Organization and Administration of Church Music_ ____________ 2 Applied Music ____________ 3 16 Senior Year Baptist History and Polity________ 3 Literature Survey --------------- 3 Electives - --------------------- 4 Arranging --------------------- 3 Applied Music ________________ 3 16 55 Literature Survey -------------- 3 Electives ----------------- ----- 7 Graded Church Choirs___ _____ ___ 2 Appli ed Music and Recital_ _______ 3 15